The Blog

News and information worth reading from Attune (formerly Senseware).


How To Recognize the Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Do you know the signs of poor indoor air quality? You can likely name a couple, but there's more to identifying indoor air pollutants than meets the...

office work

TVOC Air Quality Levels Explained

Many household cleaners, office products, and building materials release harmful compounds known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) into the air....


Is There Formaldehyde in Your Office? 5 Detectable Signs

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas from fuel combustion, organic matter, and chemicals. Through inhalation or direct skin contact, formaldehyde can...

7 Health Effects Of Poor Air Quality

Air quality is a growing concern globally. Studies show direct links between air pollutants to lower life expectancy and respiratory and heart...

Exploring the WHO Air Quality Guidelines

Air pollution is an increasing global health concern. To help businesses and governments monitor pollution, WHO developed strict guidelines to...

IAQ Monitoring Product vs. Platform

IAQ Monitoring Product vs. Platform

Introduction Indoor air quality (IAQ) has fascinated many but remained largely on the periphery of most property managers. One need only examine the...

Realcomm IBCon 2021

Realcomm IBCon 2021: Part 2 Air Quality Results For In-Person Event

Senseware shares air quality results from Realcomm IBCon 2021

Key Takeaways from Realcomm IBCon

Key Takeaways from Realcomm IBCon – Part 1 CEO Edition

Senseware monitors air quality at Realcomm IBCon 2021

Can Senseware alert you to mold growth? Yes!

Can Senseware alert you to mold growth? Yes!

Introducing Senseware's Mold Warning: Get real-time alerts when your conditions are conducive to mold growth By: Max Rothman While we often think of...

What kind of sensors do we use?

What kind of sensors do we use?

Julien Stamatakis, Co-Founder and CTO of Senseware reflects on the process of upgrading sensor technology to meet customer needs.

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