The Blog

News and information worth reading from Attune (formerly Senseware).

IoT Smart Building Solutions Maximizes ROI in Retrofit Projects

Maximize Retrofit ROI with IoT Smart Building Solutions

When dealing with limited budgets, aging structures, and energy accountability, retrofitting is an effective approach to ensure old commercial...

Benefits of Continuous IAQ During Flush Out Process

Benefits of Using Continuous IAQ Monitoring in the Flush Out Process

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in recent times is one factor that has the attention of both tenants and owners of commercial buildings. Increased...

Mutlifamily Executive

Multifamily Exec: How Real-Time Data Drives Management and Design

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Serene Almomen, shares insights with Multifamily Executive on how technology and data are improving the development process...

7 Problems Retrocommissioning can Identify with IoT

7 IoT Smart Building Tech Issues Identified by Retro-Commissioning

As the experts know for sure, commercial buildings are subject to operational, functional, and occupant changes that put a strain on the mechanical,...

5 Reasons to Implement IoT into Building Runtime Optimization

5 Reasons for IoT in Commercial Equipment Runtime Strategies

Introduction Runtime generally refers to the period or duration during which a program is executing. In the case of commercial buildings and energy...

6 Ways to Leverage IoT to Optimize Your Building Data Collection Strategy

6 Ways to Use IoT to Optimize Your Building Data Collection Strategy

As far as commercial buildings go, data is golden and holds the key to safer, healthier and better building performance. It gets more interesting if...

Using IoT for Electrical Maintenance

The Endless Possibilities of Using IoT for Electrical Maintenance

The internet of things (IoT) as we already know, is a giant network of connected things and people. This seemingly endless web of interconnected...

How the convergencec of IoT and IAQ has influenced energy efficiency projects

IoT and IAQ Convergence: Shaping Energy Efficiency Practices

Energy costs in commercial buildings is reaching record highs due to a host of factors not limited to increased competition, boom in technology...

8 Questions to Ask Before Assessing Energy Savings in M&V Projects

8 Questions to Ask Before Assessing Energy Savings in M&V Projects

Energy consumption is at the core of expenses incurred by commercial buildings. Commercial building occupants, irrespective of season or climatic...

The Magic Formula to Performance Contracting

Enhancing Energy Performance Contracts Through IoT

The Internet of Things or IoT is the newest phenomenon to hit many sectors and the energy sector is not behind. IoT enabled systems are increasingly...

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