The Blog

News and information worth reading from Attune (formerly Senseware).

The Top 5 Signs of Lead in Water | Water Management Guide

Lead is a common but harmful contaminant, identifiable by a handful of signs. These five signs are clear indicators of dangerous levels of lead in...

7 Benefits of Using an IoT Monitoring Platform

Key Benefits of Using an IoT Monitoring Platform IoT allows building managers to gain insights into critical systems and equipment, but bringing all...

How To Test Air Quality in Office Spaces | Step-By-Step

How To Test Air Quality in Office in 6 Steps Testing air quality in an office space requires setting goals, choosing effective equipment,...

Key Benefits and Use Cases of IoT Energy Management

IoT Energy Management: Benefits and Uses IoT energy management is the latest tech-driven approach to energy conversations, allowing you to take...

How To Maximize Efficiency With Smart Water Management

A leaky faucet, at the rate of one drop per second, wastes up to 2,700 gallons of water per year. Leaks aren't just costly from a utility standpoint....

Air Quality Alert Levels: A Comprehensive Guide

Receiving an air quality alert on your phone is a frightening experience, and many don't even know where these warnings originate.

Relative Humidity vs. Absolute Humidity: Key Differences

What's your preferred way to measure humidity? Maybe you weren't aware there were multiple methods. However, how you measure indoor humidity levels...

Why You Need to Monitor Energy Consumption In Your Building

Residential and commercial buildings use 30% of the total global energy consumption.

The Transformative Role of IoT in Construction

The Role of IoT in Construction As long as cities expand, businesses start up, and people are born, the construction sector will be a vital part of...

Indoor Air Quality

How To Test Indoor Air Quality: A Complete Guide

With the rising concerns about respiratory diseases, particularly Covid-19, indoor air quality is gaining considerable attention. The buildup of...

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