The Blog

News and information worth reading from Attune (formerly Senseware).

A Guide to Indoor Air Quality Standards For Office Buildings

Just as the outdoor air carries a variety of environmental pollutants, indoor spaces like commercial buildings also contain pollutants that are...


How To Recognize the Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Do you know the signs of poor indoor air quality? You can likely name a couple, but there's more to identifying indoor air pollutants than meets the...

Why You Need to Monitor Energy Consumption In Your Building

Residential and commercial buildings use 30% of the total global energy consumption.

The Transformative Role of IoT in Construction

The Role of IoT in Construction As long as cities expand, businesses start up, and people are born, the construction sector will be a vital part of...

A Guide to Safe Indoor CO2 Levels

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a natural byproduct of breathing and other biological processes in humans and animals. It’s only natural that there will...

Key Differences Between PM 2.5 vs PM 10

Airborne particulate matter differs in size: The smaller the particle, the greater the likelihood of severe health damage. PM 2.5 is the smallest...

What Is Smart Building Technology? | Expert Insights

Smart building technology consists of smart sensors and software programs that collect data and synthesize it into actionable insights. Ultimately,...

Best Water Sustainability Solutions in 2023

The world is facing a severe crisis in ensuring enough drinkable water. However, many technological solutions on the horizon, such as leakage...

Sustainable Development Goals and What They Should Mean to You

Sustainable Development Goals and What They Should Mean to You

In 2015, the UN created 17 sustainable development goals for governments, businesses, and communities to prioritize and strive toward over the coming...

hvac system

HVAC Performance Testing Guide

Managers must know what HVAC performance metrics to track to keep systems efficient and low-cost. Performance testing requires examining key areas,...

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